Monday, March 18, 2013

Leprechaun Trap

I made a leprechaun trap with my dad. We set out our trap on the night before St. Patrick's Day. The leprechaun got away, but he left us gold coins made of chocolate! He also made a big mess in the kitchen. He turned our milk green and he left his green pee pee in our toilet. He sure was wild! I love St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Writing Sandwhich

My teacher has been teaching me to write a writing sandwich. It is a paragraph. Here is one I did last week to practice. I surprised my mom with it. She thought it was pretty good, so she wanted to put it on the blog. I colored the heart and taped a picture from my photo album on it by myself.
The writing sandwich says:
Hi, I am Lilly. My nickname is Lemon Drop. I love making new friends. I love school and reading too. My family is 5. I have a sister brother mom and dad. This is my life.